A New Day for America

I expect my family and friends in the United States are sleeping better with Trump spending his last night in the White House and Biden’s inauguration. For myself, with time/date differences I will get little sleep as I spend hours with CNN watching the events in Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. is still my favorite city in the world. I lived and worked there for over 25 years. I cried as I watched the January 6th attack on the Capitol, a sacred place where I once spent a part of every working day.

Seeing the dramatic views of the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, the Washington Monument and the Capitol have been inspirational. Among many vivid memories are those of attending past inaugurals.

With little else to do, I’ve a bottle of single-malt scotch set aside as my political genes take control and I become my personal analyst/commentator and celebrate a New Day for America.

My last tour of Washington, D.C. –– the Marine Corps Marathon, 10/30/2011 was an emotional experience that sparked many vivid memories of my 25 years in the nation’s Capitol. And, I finished the race!@
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4 thoughts on “A New Day for America

  1. Marine Corps Marathon? Very impressive! Deep bow, Sir! Yumi and sleeping much better since pettiness took a flight to Florida.

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